Walnut kernels


Color Classification for Shelled Walnuts:
Extra Light
Light Amber

Size Classification for Shelled Walnuts:
Pieces and Halves
Small pieces

Grades for Walnuts in the Shell:
US No. 1
US No. 2
US No. 3

Walnut Halves
Description: 7/8 or more of the kernel is intact. 85 % or more of lot, by weight, are half kernels.
USDA Size Tolerances: No more than 5 % smaller than three-fourths halves of which no more than 1 % may pass through 16/64 inch (6.35 mm)

Walnut Pieces and Halves
Description: 20 % or more of lot, by weight, are half kernels (7/8 or more of the kernel is intact).
USDA Size Tolerances: No more than 18 % shall pass through 24/64 inch (9.52 mm) round hole of which no more than 3 % may pass through 16/64 inch (6.35 mm) and of 3 % no more than 1 % may pass through 8/64 inch (3.18 mm) round screen hole.

Walnut Pieces

Description: Portions of kernels in lot cannot pass through 24/64 inch (9.53 mm) round openings.
USDA Size Tolerances: No more than 25 % shall pass through 24/64 inch (9.53 mm) round hole of which no more than 5 % may pass through 16/64 inch (6.35 mm) and of 5 % no more than 1 % may pass through 8/64 inch (3.18 mm) round hole included in the 5 %.

In-shell Walnuts
Walnuts with a perfect shell are predetermined to be sold as in-shell walnuts. These are sized as jumbo, large, medium or baby according to USDA standards.